Random international Fly

Random International

Engineering an interactive art installation

I designed all physical aspects of an art installation for the 4th Moscow Biennial of Contemporary Art.

My role

Interactive art installation

Engineering Manager
Senior Creative Developer

Design engineer



Interactive art installation



Engineering Manager
Senior Creative Developer
My role

Design engineer

Random International design and build technology-powered interactive art installations. My ongoing focus is bridging the real and digital worlds, challenging current thinking about interactivity and exploring how people relate to rapidly changing technology. So I was very please to join them as an intern in 2010.

In the first weeks I helped assemble and install Swarm Study III (opens new window) in the V&A, I paid a maintenance visit to Duplex (opens new window) and created a new PCB bracket for Self Portrait (opens new window). Getting hands on with studio's existing artworks taught me a great deal about how to manufacture bespoke mechanical / electrical objects. It gave me a firm foundation to contribute meaningfully to the next project.

With Fly (opens new window), I began by researching solutions and talking to suppliers regarding challenges like structural glass, pulley systems and cable tensioning. My role gradually expanded so that by the time we packed the installation for shipment, I had been responsible for the design, prototyping and testing of almost every component.

Internal workings
Fly ball
Fly in darkness
Fly centre
Pulley system
Prototype close up